The Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology (HKSR) Inaugural scientific meeting was held on 10th Dec 1987

The HKSR was established on 12th January 1988 by four founding members, Dr. Chan Ka Ho, Dr. Edmund Li, Dr. Wong Woon Sing and Dr. Wong Kee Lam
HKSR became a member of the South East Asian League Against Rheumatology (SEAPAL) and the International League of Association for Rheumatology (ILAR)
Pre-SEAPAL Scientific Meeting was held on 1st September l988
The first joint scientific symposium between the Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology and the Chinese Rheumatology Association was held on 11th November 1990
Regular yearly HKSR Annual Scientific Meeting was started

The first official publication, “ Hong Kong Bulletin on Rheumatic Diseases” was published in July 2001. The publication has been published biannully since then
The first local consensus statement, “Consensus Statements on the Indications and Monitoring of Anti-tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Therapy for Rheumatic Diseases in Hong Kong” was published in June 2005

The HKSR Biologics Registry was established. It aimed at providing safety information regarding the use of novel therapeutic agents in different rheumatological diseases to our local rheumatologists and other physicians
The 4th Huaxia Congress was held in July in Hong Kong

First launched HKSR electronic newsletter

First launched HKSR electronic newsletter

Started to organize local musculoskeletal ultrasound courses

Started to organize local musculoskeletal ultrasound courses

Started to organize local musculoskeletal ultrasound courses

Started to organize local musculoskeletal ultrasound courses

The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong

The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong

The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong
The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong

The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong

The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong

The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong

The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong

The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong

The 14th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology was held in Hong Kong

Co-organized the 5th GuangDong- Hong Kong Rheumatology Seminar with the GuangDong Association of Rheumatology
The first set of consensus recommendations on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis was published in early 2011

Co-organized the 12th Regional Osteoporosis Conference with the Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong in May 2011
Hosted Ten Topics Lupus Asia in Hong Kong on 24th-25th September 2011
The HKSR Project Fund was set up to provide financial support to members who intend to develop special skills or novel therapeutics modalities in rheumatology in our locality
HKSR Imaging subcommittee and Clinical recommendation subcommittee were formed
Hosted the 7th GuangDong- Hong Kong Rheumatology Seminar in Hong Kong in November 2012
The Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology Education & Research Foundation was established
Launched The Clinical Rheumatology Systematic Treat-to-target in Asia Leadership (CRYSTAL) Project as an initiative to establish a Hong Kong Early RA Registry
